Tuesday, February 14, 2017

How Flynn's Term Compares to the National Security Advisor Tenures since 1953

First National Security Advisor appointed by Trump lasted 25 days - how long Michael Flynn held this role since inauguration until yesterday night when he resigned amid Russian sanctions scandal. It sets record for the shortest term held in this role since its inception in 1953.

This record should hold for a while as seen from the chart below that compares all terms since Robert Cutler became first NSC advisor in Eisenhower administration:

This is unheard of - NSC advisor lasted less than about a year just once before: William H Jackson held position for 4 months being removed amid changes on the National Security Council without any apparent controversy.

How significantly shorter Flynn's term is could be seen in the same type of chart with his tenure in days compared to the rest in weeks: 

When compared to the rest of tenures in months (Flynn's tenure is still in days) it does break through the bottom but hardly stands out, again, days vs. months:


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